Saturday, 14 August 2010

Toy Story Toyland Tour 1

One day in the month of June, Chatter telephone, Lots-o-Huggin-bear, Stretch, Woody and Buzz packed their bags to go on a tour of Toyland,

They took a plane!!
They visited Jack-in-a-box jungle!!
Next they went to meet the one and only,
After that they had something to eat,
Its Day 3 so they dicided to split up:
Chatter phone found,
^a great lion statue^

^and a official toy story 3 book^
and Stretch found,
^a giant slinky dog^
Lots-o found,
^Toylands very own Great Wall of China^
Its Day 4 so they went to  see guinness toy records producer sheephands..
Day 5 was rainy so they played in the rain....
Day 6 and beyond coming soon!!


Lorna May said...

Now know why you took your camera out with you and took so many photos.
You are so creative young this and can't wait for part 2....

Househund said...

Well done' Charlie.. what a great story..
Your becoming quite the photographer. Fantastic imagination... can't wait to see Part 2...

Jacc said...

Hi Charlie!

Loved reading your story. Elvis Duck Presley is very cool! I used to have a similar Chatter Telephone when I was younger. Looking forward to part two. Hope you are having a good summer holiday so far and I hope the rain clears up soon!!


naomi xxx said...

hello, i was wondering when toy story toyland tour 2 will be showing on this blog, me,dan and dec enjoyed this very much, it is such a clever idea and one of the reasons dec wants santa to bring him a camera, i keep checking for part 2, but none as yet, hopefully u r planning on doing another?????