Tuesday, 9 February 2010

yes Mrs Taylor (teacher) is pleased with me

I had my parents evening and mum and dad saw my French, History, Maths, Literacy, Draft and R.E. books and my Maths Intavention folder and it all went well. Bye.


Househund said...

So Pleased that everything went well for your parents evening. It's really important to work hard in school. Have a good day today Charlie.

Kayleigh Huitt said...

Well Done Charlie, I bet your mum and dad are really Proud of you!! Kaylee x

nimnam said...

well done charlie, declan has his parents evening tonight, hope his teacher is as pleased with him as yours, see you soon, love naomi xxx

Lorna May said...

You got a very good report and we are very pleased with you. Keep it up for your bronze certificate XX

uncle edward said...

An A in kiss chase, well done keeping the family tradition going??