Friday, 9 April 2010

hello. This is a catch up blog post

Hope you all had a brilliant easter and got lots of goodies.
First things first.I've finally rode on my skatebourd, which has been in my room since my B'day (2nd December).

Alfie also went out in his NEW car..
Alfie enjoyed about a hour driving. We walked with mum to her work.

Alfie fed himself yogort today.

My cousins came round and we had a easter egg hunt like last year.

They made some crumptious bisuits.
thanks for that Declan and Danuel.

This is Alfie sitting in my red chair.

This is Alfie climbing up the stairs.

And this is him sitting with me.
Well i thinks thats enough for one post so in that case...
Bye for now.


naomi xx said...

ahhhh what lovely photos charlie, dec is in bed now, getting him ready for early nights next week when he has to go back to school, but i will show him he and his biscuits are famous on the internet tommorow.
thank you for having us all round, declan wants to come again soon and daniel still keeps talking about alfie. i hope you liked your book??????
see you all soon love auntie naomi

Annalisa said...

What a nice post!It looks sunny there, it's nice to use the skateboard again isn't it?
:) Nice pics and post and glad to see you back in blogland!

monkeygogodec said...

thank you we went to the park dan said he saw alfie ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha. i just fell on the floor off the stool when i was doing this and mummy laughed.i hurt my foot and bum.i had 2 ham sanwichs,plum,orange,cucmbr and crisps for lunch.mummy got me a star wars figer from asda it is a troop with guns i will bring it to you house now i have to goand eat it lunch from dec and dan

Househund said...

Great Blog entry Charlie. So many great photo's.
Mum said you've not been well... I hope your feeling better soon.
I think I would have enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt...and the cookies looked really yummy.
So How do you get on with the skate board?
I don't think i'll be eating yoghurt for a while. I'll leave that to Alfie lol